Tuesday 9 July 2013

South Park - Towelie

 We all know the value of South Park, and we are familiar with the fact that this series is more than the swearing and insults. It calls into question all the beliefs, habits, lifestyle, a fictional human rules, observed by millions and millions of people. Billions. Trillions .
Many are familiar with the epic episode when a young aspiring writer shows up as guest on the Oprah show, and the action in the background where Oprah’s Minge and asshole Gary do sad dialogues about loneliness and marginalization of Oprah. How fucking crazy you have to be to put it on television in America, where the same Oprah main strength. Although this is not a precedent. Many ridiculed Oprah, and would end up on Oprah show promoting this same movie / series in which she get ridiculed for, what else but, thickness. Hollywood creativity in recent years, at a high level.
South Park did it differently. Raw brutality known only to them.you would find me expressing sympathy for Minge to Oprah in person.
Already mentioned aspiring writer is one of the best characters ever seen on television. Towel with handicapped memory, who uses his super powers, getting high,to come up with numerous brilliant plans. Always warning people to carry towels or induces joint. he never refuses, to hang out with his old pal joint, no way. First scene when he gets fired, because he is so stoned that he just mixes some soup over and over, stucked in my mind. You're a towell.No!'re a towell! the King
This shirt is a tribute Towelie, the most powerful figure of all time.Yes! mightier that Bruce Lee himself. And remember forever-

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